Build new vxrail failed with error Registering ESXi hosts with the vCenter Server

Build new vxrail failed with error Registering ESXi hosts with the vCenter Server, this happen during initial build new cluster node with external vcenter and dual DNS server.

During initial, normally vcenter will checking hostname to their DNS server. In this case, example: vcenter registered in the DNS and new cluster node vxrail hostname registered at DNS

previously at DNS has been setup forwarder to DNS and from vxrail manager can ping external vcenter hostname.

After we got error ” Registering ESXi Hosts with the vCenter Server”, i just checking to vcenter with ssh, and testing to ping new vxrail hostname, and result is: vxrail esxi hostname cannot ping from vCenter. so we checking why vcenter cannot ping new hostname vxrail node. i found In here, we missed step to setup DNS forwarder at DNS ( vcenter used this DNS ) :).

i found solution with use or setup dns forwarder at second dns server that used by the VCENTER  :), after setting DNS forwarder, just testing again from vcenter to ping vxrail hostname, the result is, vxrail hostname can ping 😀 and initial new node with environment 2 DNS + external vCenter has done

Regarding how to setting DNS forwarding, you may googling that 🙂

If you need help regarding how to build or initial setup vxrail HCI from DellEMC, you may contact me by email to cecep.esa[@], thank you

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